Letters: Managing Headers and Footers

In this article you will learn how to create headers and footers. Headers and footers are automatically applied to all pages when uploaded to a letter.

In this article:

How to upload your header or footer as a template

How to insert a header and footer in a patient letter

Header and footer dimensions

You do not have a header or footer and want to create one (Canva)

You do not have a header or footer and want to create one (Word)

Optimising your header or footer for beginners (MacOS)

Optimising your header or footer for intermediate users (MacOS)

Optimising your header or footer (Word)

Note: Headers and footers will appear on all pages of a letter. If you prefer to only have them on the first page, you can upload your logo instead. For more details, check out this guide on uploading your practice logo. Alternatively, you can drag and drop an image of your header/footer directly into your letter.

Linked articles:

Managing Letter Templates

Managing Letters

How to upload your header or footer as a template

Click here to see our video guide on how to upload your header or footers

Upload your header

You can create a header from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Letter templates tab.

2. Click New in the top right-hand corner.

3. Select 'Header':

4. Click "Browse files" in order to upload an image:

5. You can set this image as the primary header so whenever you create a new letter this header will automatically apply (you are still able to choose another one) :

6. Insert a name:

7. You can then try different sizes to see which one fits your specific header.

8. Click 'Save'.


Upload your footer

You can create a footer from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Letter templates tab.

2. Click New in the top right-hand corner.

3. Select 'Footer':

4. Click "Browse files" in order to upload an image:

5. You can set this image as the primary footer so whenever you create a new letter this footer will automatically apply (you are still able to choose another one):

6. Insert a name:

7. You can then try different sizes to see which one fits your specific footer.

8. Click 'Save'.


How to insert a header and footer in a patient letter

Click here to see our video guide on how to upload your header or footers

1. In the patient file, under 'Letters & forms' click 'New'

2. You can see the header and footer by default:

3. If you have uploaded multiple headers or footers, by clicking on the arrow you can swap to another option:

4. You can now free-type your letter or insert a template.

5. Click Save. Your header/footer are now uploaded to your letter.


Header and footer dimensions



Aspect ratio = 5:1

Width: 1460 pixels

Width in cm ≈ 19.75 cm

Height: 235 pixels

Height in cm ≈ 2.75 cm

Screenshot size ≈ 760 X 115



Aspect ratio = 4:1


Width: 1520 pixels

Width in cm ≈ 19.75 cm


Height: 300 pixels

Height in cm ≈ 3.55 cm


Screenshot size ≈ 760 X 150



Aspect ratio = 3:1


Width: 1520 pixels

Width in cm ≈ 19.75 cm


Height: 370 pixels

Height in cm ≈ 4.50 cm


Screenshot size ≈ 760 X 185


You do not have a header or footer and want to create one (Canva)

You can easily create your headers and footers using Canva. It's a user-friendly platform that offers various templates and customisation options to design professional-looking headers and footers for your documents.

Watch our video on creating a background colour and adding a logo

Watch our video on adding your text and customising your logo

Step by step:

1. Go to Canva and click on "Create a design"

2. Click on "Custom size" and add the dimensions required depending on the size you want your header/footer to be.

3. Click on "Create new design" when the dimensions have been entered.

4. By clicking on "Styles" you can then choose the background's colour:

5. You may then add some text and images to your header/footer

6. Once it is ready, you can click on the "share" button on the top right hand corner:

7. You may now click on "download" and download your header/footer as a PNG or JPG:

Your header/footer is ready to be uploaded to Semble!


You do not have a header or footer and want to create one (Word)

If you prefer using Word to create your header/footer, it's also possible and can be more convenient for practices that prefer a text-based header.

 Watch our video on how to create your logo using Microsoft Word

  1. Upload an image/a logo

2. Add some text

(Optional) To add text in different parts of the page as shown above, simply press the 'Tab' key on your keyboard.

3. Save your document and optimise it to upload it to Semble.


Optimising your header or footer for beginners (MacOS)


Watch our video on finding the best size for your header/footer

Watch our video on how to take a screenshot of your header/footer

Step by step:

1. Insert your header/footer

2. Under "Layout" you will see "Margins" please click on the drop-down and select "Custom margins":

3. Set the margins to those dimensions and click "Ok" at the bottom, it will allow your image to be centralised:

4. Click "ignore" (If this pops up)

5. Click on your image and "Picture format" will appear on top:

6. Untick this box so that you can add a custom sizing:

7. Add the dimensions you need depending on the size header/footer you'd like on Semble - please click here for more information on sizes:

8. Take a screenshot by pressing Command+Shift+5 at the same time on your keyboard (On MacOs)

Your header/footer is ready to be uploaded to Semble!


Optimising your header or footer for intermediate users (MacOS)

Watch our video on how to optimise your header/footer

Step by Step:

Part 1: Exporting the Word Document

1. Insert your image:

2. Under "Layout" you will see "Margins" please click on the drop-down and select "Custom margins":

3. Set the margins to those dimensions and click "Ok" at the bottom, it will allow your image to be centralised:

4. Click "ignore" (If this pops up):

5. Click on your image and "Picture format" will appear on top:

6. Untick this box so that you can add a custom sizing:

7. Add the dimensions you need depending on the size header/footer you'd like on Semble - please click here for more information on sizes:

8. Make sure the header and/or the footer is/are correctly centralised. Then, click on the "save" button:

9. Save it as a PDF and click the 'Export' button:

Part 2: Create the JPEG/ Crop your header/footer

1. Open the PDF file that you have just created and select the buttons below ("Markup" first):

2. Use your mouse or trackpad to crop your header by dragging the cursor along the edges of your header/footer.

3. Select the button below to confirm the crop and click 'OK':

4. Then to save it, go to 'File' and select 'Export':

5. Make sure the resolution is 200 pixels/inch and click on the drop down and select Jpeg:

6. Click 'Save'.

Your header/footer is now ready to be uploaded on Semble!


Optimising your header or footer (Word)


Step by step

  1. Insert your header/footer image and click on 'Margins':

2. You can select a decent default option such as normal or custom margins. If you use custom margins and set it to 2cm right and 2 cm left otherwise it won't match:

3. Make sure the header and/or the footer is/are correctly centralised:

4. Open the 'Snipping Tool' function:

5. Crop the header and/or footer:

Your header/footer is now ready to be uploaded on Semble!



If the header or footer you're trying to upload doesn't meet the dimensions required, it will be cropped when you upload it to Semble.

These restrictions are necessary to prevent it from occupying too much space on your letters and to maintain optimal image quality.

To address similar issues, you'll either need to crop your image or make it wider to meet the required dimensions

A. Try a taller size if your header/footer gets cropped when uploading it as a Slim or Standard size:

B. Try to review the dimensions of your header/footer if it gets cropped even when choosing the Tall size:

C. Try to reduce the size of your header/footer if this error message appears when trying to upload it, it is likely that your document exceeds 2MB: