Semble Status Page

Keep updated and informed of any issue with our status page

To see the current operational status of Semble, see here.

In this article:

About the Semble Status Page

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About the Semble Status Page

On the Semble Status page, you can see the past 90 days of the following status information:

  • Semble: This covers all the services offered by Semble to clinics, such as Appointments, Invoices, and Settings

  • Public API: The servers for the Semble API

  • Patient Applications: This covers all the services offered by Semble to patients, such as Online Booking and Questionnaires

You can scroll down to Past Incidents to see any issues from today or the past 30 days that may have affected your practice.

Subscribe to Updates

Any user can automatically receive status updates by email, by subscribing to the Semble status page:

1. Go to the Semble Status page here.

2. Click the Subscribe to Updates button at the top of the page.

3. Type your email.

4. Click Subscribe via Email.

5. Complete the CAPTCHA test.

6. Go to your email, and open the confirmation email sent by Semble.

7. Click Confirm subscription.

Updates about the status of the Semble system will now be sent to that email address.