Upload your Migration Data to the Semble SFTP

How to securely send your data to Semble

In order to transfer your data to Semble from your previous system or from your local

computer, we recommend that you use the Semble Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). An SFTP is a network protocol for securely accessing, transferring and managing large files and sensitive data.

Important to note: Never send data to us by email as this is not a secure method and could be considered as a data breach for us.

In this article:


Download FileZilla

Download the Key File

Connect to the Semble SFTP

Upload your Data (FileZilla)


  • Download FileZilla, a file transfer program to enable you to connect to the Semble SFTP.
  • Gather your credentials
  • Host Address: sftp.semble.io

  • Username: The unique practice ID provided by Semble

  • Key File: A downloadable .pem file which will be sent to you via an encrypted email

If you have not received all of the above, then contact the Migrations team at: migrations@semble.io

Download FileZilla

  1. Click this hyperlink FileZilla.

  2. Click Download FileZilla Client

  3. Click Download" on FileZilla (free version)

4. Open FileZilla from your downloads folder and proceed with below steps.

Download the Key File

When Semble provides you with the SFTP credentials, the Key File will be sent via an encrypted email. This is an extra security measure to ensure your SFTP login credentials are not compromised.

Reading a protected message with a Microsoft 365 email account in Outlook or Outlook on the web

If you receive a protected email message sent to your Microsoft 365 account in Outlook 2016 or Outlook on the web, the message should open like any other message. You'll see a banner at the top of the message that informs you of any restrictions on the message.

Reading a protected message with Gmail:

  1. Select Click here to read your message.
  2. Select Sign in with Google.
  3. You'll be redirected to the Gmail sign-in page. Once you sign in, select Allow.
  4. Your protected message will display in a new browser tab. You won't be able to view the protected message in the Gmail window.

Reading a protected message with a single-use code

  • Select Read the message.
  • You'll be redirected to a page where you can sign in and receive a single-use code.
  • Check your email for the single-use code. Enter the code in the browser window, then select
  • Continue to read your message.
  • Once you have opened the message, download .pem Key File to your machine.

You do not need to be able to open this file, just download it

Connect to the Semble SFTP

If you have met all the requirements, you can then connect to the Semble SFTP. The following steps are for connecting with FileZilla:

1. Open FileZilla, then click the Site Manager icon in the top left-hand corner.
The Site Manager window appears.

2. Click New site.

3. Stay in the General tab, and fill in the following fields:

Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

Host: sftp.semble.io

Port: Leave blank

Logon Type: Key File

User: Enter the unique practice ID provided by Semble

Key file: Click Browse and insert the downloaded .pem file that was sent to you. This key file acts as a password for you to log in and connect

4. Click Connect at the bottom of the Site Manager window.

When you have connected to the Semble SFTP, you will then be able to upload your data to Semble.

Upload your Data (FileZilla)

When you have connected your file transfer program to Semble, you can then upload your data. The following steps are for uploading your data to FileZilla.

On the left-hand side of FileZilla, you will see Local site, which displays your device's local folders and documents. On the right-hand side of FileZilla, you will see Remote Site, which is Semble's remote folder that you can upload your data to.

1. Right click a file from the Local site area of your FileZilla.

2. Select Upload.

The file will then upload to our remote site. Please only add data to the remote site that you want our team import for the data migration.